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Sunday, July 12, 2009 ; blasted @ 4:42 AM

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009 ; blasted @ 4:29 AM

Early in the morn had to attend a chemistry talk for SMTP students in school. Arrived at LT2 much earlier. Mistook the film day for today again - wore the drama shirt, felt stupid. I never got dates correct. Yong Jian came just as early, then Ray Yan and Rui Hao. Wonder how they met lol. Ray Yan looked the same, D.A.Z.E.D, Rui Hao looked just as bright. Exact opposite. Wonder how they corelate so well :O haha JK. The speaker came early too, great presentor, although he focused too much on career rather than scientific aspects, making it sound like an inspirational talk. He claimed that careers are decided by chances and opportunities. Maybe i should slack at home and slack and slack and slack... TA-DA, until some day -.- 守株待兔

Dragonica-ed for 3 hours, 1 match of Dota, few matches of BS and - 2 hours of F.E.A.R. 2 Freaky :O (My body's still shaking now.) A continuation of Alma from F.E.A.R 1 is omfg. So far only encountered melee with her for 1 time. Lots of scary scenes in-game. For 5 minutes i had 2 take down 10 mutated beings in the facility. *Shivers* Strong and agile, hard to aim - hides behind walls, climb into tunnels, backstab etc. One shotgun buck right into the head can only take it down. Had to waste so much bullets :X Took a screenshot:

The minute hand wasn't moving for a few secs, when it suddenly started moving. Everything's haywire. Turn to the right and Alma turns up right in front of my face next? EEYAHH! lol. As you can see itz DARK in the game - not to miss out strong fogs in the building too. All the ghostly aura...

Basically slacked AGAIN. 2 or 3rd time for hols. Hope that i can stick to this mood for the whole of the last week. LAST week.

"Itz only the end of the beginning for H1N1. Just like the end of holidays and a new start for us - and for H1N1."

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Monday, June 22, 2009 ; blasted @ 7:33 AM

Back to blogging. I felt like stopping luh. Lost my motivations for the past few days. Thought that it was a total waste of time. Maybe short posts will do then.

Spent some time on the mmorpg game, under IAHgames - Dragonica. Typical rpg game. Quests, items, leveling, skills, etc. Well. At least better than maple o.O haha i THINK, since itz 3D. Spent at least 4-5 hours playing the same game. Yawns~ Let me list out all the games i have playing for the past week.

F.E.A.R 2 (just downloaded) - a FPS exploration game. Quite obvious from the title - a fear based game. Can cause ppl to have countless sleepless nites. :O Just started, creepy.
DOTA - a must-play? 90% of the time support heros.
BlackShot - Don't feel like talking bout it lol. Bad k/ds coming back, more and more clans popping out. Scaring me real bad. Waitin for a chance to play wif XueChen again. :X
Flyff - Fly For Fun? Nvm, another rpg game. Just went to check for updates.
Ether SAGA - ~~~ kinda boring. Barely reached the10th lvl.
Bioshock - RAWR. Completed the whole game again, exciting lawls. :D

Dragonica - played wif eugene. Pretty dcent game. But probably wldn b plying 4 long.

Screenshots below:

'S' Ranks! :D Magician + BattleMage FTW!
Soloed my way through.

Can't remember if there are any other games that i played. Btw Incredible Tales just ended o.o haha. Getting Mass Effect anw.

A quote from IT: 不要随意答应别“人”
Anw. Sch reopening date remains the same - claimed by CNA. (Disappointment? :O)
Time to start revision.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009 ; blasted @ 5:04 AM

Today seemed more like a normal day - back to the typical busy life, guess i am getting used to it. Exhausting though. Full Drama day today. Spent most of the time on film, around mid-afternoon helped out with lights and sounds for SYF. Turned out to be boring, since it only lasted for a short while. Film focused mainly on logging and capturing, editing etc. In the end, i spent most of my time slacking. (at least that's what i felt -.-) LiChen sure is capable of handling everything. Shld learn how to make myself more useful.

8am - 6pm sure is torturing enough, reminds me of the past working days. Just finished dinner anw. Anticipating Darryl's poster design by tomorrow - it better be of some quality. We may lack time in publicising the production, given the rising no. of H1N1 cases and probably closing down of school for at least a week. Oh yea, btw at drama centre today, Yuan Chang (aka Drak) niaoed me coz of my hairstyle. Balding. I can't really do much about my thin layer of hair lol.

And oh right, more of BS. Researched bit more on the sniper - "Cheytac". Weird name huh, sounds kinda alien. Dunt underestimate it. This is not available in the purchase section. Seemed like it was meant for pros - could only be found in supply boxes. :\ Scope resembles M24, weapon looked like G36K from the outside. Snipe kill icon looks cool too, but i prefer the sniping sounds of M24. A screenshot below. Top of the list, but the k/d looks screwed - i can never win those hardcore clan members.

Thoughts: i have wasted 90% of my life on thinking. 90% of which i think about the future, 9% of which i think about the past and 1% - the present.

PS: Tml's gonna b an abnormal day.

Check out this video too.

Bruteforcing the dictionary. LOL.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 ; blasted @ 3:28 AM

Uhm. Today's the only few days that im staying at home (or was it the first) during the hols. The internship kept me XTRA busy for the first 2 weeks. Anyway woke up pretty late again, no idea why i cldnt force myself out of my dreams. :O focused on work for hours till the afternoon. Somehow i have found some motivation to blog. Perhaps it was due to AngRY or my (interesting?) daily life, or mayb more of gaming :D

Haha. Cannot deny that im pretty obssessed with blackshot.

Trailer's okay. Didn't feel like putting it there though. The gameplay's the main thing. Played pretty fine today. Still considering how far my standard is from a clan's one.

21/5 KD rate. Sounds pretty nice.
Sad that it is not always constant. D:
Lucky that pros were away during that time. Heard that there is some "Snipers" clan running around with ****ing imba k/d. Bware lol.

Nvm, today's time to spam bio o.o back to workk.

Btw wonder if this blogskin's gd. Searching in "http://www.blogskins.com/" = futile efforts. -.- either templates too small, too flashy, too dull. Tml's syf rehearsal + film, gonna attend both. Involved in publicity too. Quite some stuff to attend to for these hols i guess.

PS: Looking Forward to training the Sec 1 tml!! :D Sorry for the small fonts anw. Gona cost quite some time to organize stuff + upkeeping of this blog zzzzzz.


Yong Keat
HwaChong Institution
HC {DS} {EDC-film} {EDC-publicity} {EDC-SYF}
Nickz/Codenamez: (Rmb to look out for these :D)
RT5K|S4t4n1c (mayb not)


FanYi aka Hikari
Ray Yan aka AngRY
Rui Hao aka Kai
Shi Yuan aka ThamSY
Xue Chen aka Farmer



June 2009
July 2009


Layout & Skin: The Reckless Apple



all the dumb junk lalaaaaaaa